Dedicated toy and video game retailer Toys"R"Us has been forced to pull a Xbox One demo from YouTube following an onslaught of inappropriate and racist comments. While comments were originally disabled, Toys"R"Us probably thought it best to just remove the video entirely. It is now listed as "private."
Toys"R"Us originally posted the highlight video as part of the company's "Fabulous 15" list, in which the Xbox One was named one of the best new toys of the holiday season. The PlayStation 4 was not included. I don't know if there's a correlation between that and the besiegement of downvotes and negative comments that followed shortly after, but it's certainly alarming.
Now I'm not saying it was PlayStation "fanboys" posting the inappropriate comments — as I refuse to blame an entire group of gamers for a few bad apples — but either way it was a startling response over something as trivial as a "top 15" list. Come on, people, grow up. It's one thing to prefer one console over another, or to not purchase a product due to how you feel about the company, but let's try to refrain from the obscene and racist comments.