Found yourself stuck on getting that last Achievement in Dead Rising 3? Can't figure out how to unlock the Any Means Necessary Achievement in Call of Duty Ghosts? The new TrueAchievements app coming to Xbox One will not only make sure you're always covered when it comes to Achievement information, but you'll be able to check it and track it directly on your Xbox One.
The new app will organize Achievements by title, and give users tips on how to unlock them, and even track how far along they are to completing them. Players will also be able to organize gaming sessions, which might help everyone unlock an Achievement that has to do with multiplayer modes.
The features of the TrueAchievements app will include:
- Achievement Guides – Covering over 90% of Xbox achievements, TrueAchievements’ community-generated solutions will be easily accessible via the app – including videos and images.
- Gaming sessions – With well over 1/4 million sessions organised, TrueAchievements is the number one site for helping gamers grab those trickier multiplayer achievements. Track all your upcoming sessions from within the app and easily find new sessions for all of your games.
- True Scoring System – TrueAchievements was built on the principle of rewarding a higher score for rarer achievements, an ideology that continues to attract thousands of new gamers a month to it’s community.
- News – If it's related to Xbox, it's covered on TrueAchievements: Xbox 360 to Xbox One, Windows Phone to Win8; News and Editorials.
The app is scheduled to hit Xbox One soon.