Twitch available on Google’s Chromecast

A couple of new apps made their way to Google's Chromecast today, with Twitch among them. Twitch can now be streamed to Chromecast from Android, Chrome and iOS. 

VP of marketing, Matthew DiPietro, said that "We are often asked if Twitch will ever be available on TV. My response is, we already are. Our Xbox and PlayStation integrations make it a one-click process to watch Twitch on your big screen. Chromecast is the latest in a line of products and features that make it easy to have a 'living room' Twitch experience. It's been one of the most requested features from our community so we're excited to get it into the wild."

Other supported apps that came today are Watch Disney, Watch Disney Junior, Watch Disney XD, and iHeartRadio.

Google Chromecast retails for $35. 

You can follow Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ.