I'm sure you've heard the adage about never saying anything bad about one's mother. It's almost cliche at this point, but respecting your mom (parents and/or guardians in general) is not something that should ever be debated. Apparently, the Twitch streamer known as 15yr missed that memo.
15yr is an 18-something-year-old who regularly plays Halo: The Master Chief Collection on Twitch. His following isn't terribly big, regularly clocking in between 40-70 viewers per stream and apparently has no problem airing out his dirty laundry with his mom on camera, regularly putting her down with name-calling. It's one thing to have disagreements with those who take care of you, that's just part of life. It's another to snap at them for the sake of attention while avoiding your real problems.
Check out this exchange:
It's not a one-time incident either, here's another exchange where he tells his mother "to get some d*ck."
If you've got 22 minutes to spare, you can also get a look at this exchange too.
Suffice it to say; this appears to be a pretty regular thing, and while I won't pretend to know what 15yr has been through in his life, there comes a point where your past stops being an excuse for how you act. This is beyond that point.
If for some reason you want to check out 15yr and his antics, you're free to do so here. It's worth noting though, that he isn't an official partner of Twitch, and seems to rely only on donations. There's also some blurb about his $79.99 internet package, though I'd be astonished if he's the one that actually pays for it.
Stay in school, kids.