Two Tribes plans on releasing Toki Tori 2 on Wii U

When WiiWare launched in 2008, it featured a charming little puzzler titled Toki Tori. The game is also currently available on iOS platforms, Windows, and Steam. Toki Tori was well-received by gamers, so it should come as good news that developer Two Tribes has plans for a sequel.

According to the dev, Toki Tori 2 will happen, and it's going to happen on the Wii U. Now that Nintendo has been taking some strides in the right direction with the 3DS eShop, and with the potential of the Nintendo Network, Two Tribes hopes to make a splash with a downloadable title for the upcoming Nintendo platform.

While the company doesn't plan on incorporating motion controls for Toki Tori 2, it does intend on using the tablet controller's features to their fullest potential. "We would definitely include playing on the Wii U controller directly without the need for a TV," said Two Tribes. "Toki Tori 2 has been designed with minimal use for a graphical user interface, so the game should be perfectly playable on the controller’s smaller widescreen display."

In addition to playing the main game, the studio hopes to add some level editor functions that can work on the tablet controller. This is super intriguing, and I'd really like to see where Two Tribes goes with this. The company may also release the game on Steam, which is great for PC gamers. It's awesome enough that we're getting a Toki Tori 2, but the fact that it can have some cool features on the Wii U controller is especially exciting.