U.S. Republican party creates its own game to ‘win back the Senate’

In an effort to raise awareness for its upcoming campaign, the U.S. Republican party has put a free-to-play 8-bit flash game of its own: Mission Majority.

The 2D platformer stars elephant Giopi—an elephant being the symbol of the party—and his quest to win Senate majority by stomping Taxers and Mudslingers and collecting the keys to the House. Upon death, the baddies emit sound bites taken from various political events and speeches, not the least of which are "Not even a smidgeon of corruption" and "You don't have to pass an IQ test to be on the Senate, though."

Mission Majority

We simply cannot make this up.

The four-level game is every bit as simple as it sounds, but the NSRC feels it was a worthwhile if openly comical means of raising awareness. 

“This year’s Republican Senate candidates are the strongest in decades (if not ever),” the NRSC told Variety, “and we want to raise awareness in every possible way. With that in mind, we are having a bit of fun with our approach.”

As you might expect, Mission Majority is absolute tripe, but it’s not labeling gamers as dangerous sociopaths so at least it’s a step up for the government’s take on interactive entertainment. If, for some ungodly reason, you’d like to try it yourself, head here—and be prepared to link your Google or Facebook account.

[via Variety