Ubisoft San Francisco, the guys who brought up South Park: The Fractured But Whole, have been enjoying the success of their latest title. If you haven't played it yet, there's a free one-hour trial available on PS4 and Xbox One. But as we enjoy the fruits of their labor, the team has already started laying the foundation for its next game, which has yet to be announced or even talked about. How do we know what's coming? Job listings.
Ubisoft San Francisco has been posting job listings and hiring staff for a new project. They even take about the openings freely on their blog. The genre hasn't been revealed, but the jobs listed lead us to believe it will be multiplayer focused.
Take a look below, and if you think you have what it takes, we'll provide links to the application page!
- Senior Multiplayer Game Designer
- Gameplay Network Engineer
- Core Network Engineer
- Senior Core Engineer (asks for Network experience)
So what is the new project they're working on? Let's hear your theories in the comments below!
We also reviewed South Park: The Fractured But Whole here, with our own Dan Miller calling it as crude in its humor as it's ever been, "And weirdly, in this divided America we live in, The Fractured But Whole might just be the game to get the masses to lighten up." In other words, everyone is a target for the butt end of a joke.