Earlier today, Microsoft revealed that every Xbox One will include a Chat Headset. Shortly after the unboxing video, Larry Hryb (aka Major Nelson) shared a batch of photos of the said headset, getting up close and personal with it. Damn, it looks sleek.
While it doesn't appear to be the most solidly build headset, it's definitely a step above the PS4's mono earbud with attached Microphone. Maybe it's just a personal preference, but I like something that rests on my head. What really appeals to me most, though, is the location of the mute and volume buttons; they located directly where the the headset plus into the controller. Rather than resting on the wire about midway up as the Xbox 360 one does, the buttons closer to the control allows for much easier and quicker access.
So what do you think of the included Headset? It's certainly better than not including anything, right?