[UPDATE: Confirmed] No Man’s Sky release date possibly delayed

Still on track for a 2016 release

Update: Sony has updated the release date for No Man's Sky on its site as August 9th!


After its first presentation back in 2013, No Man’s Sky has enjoyed some time in the spotlight as one of the most anticipated upcoming games. Many gamers thought that with developer Hello Games holding off for so long on announcing a release date, that when they eventually revealed when the game would come out, that it would stick. June 21st they told us! But alas, it seems that this will not be the case.

According to Kotaku, a source tells them that the game will not hit that date, and is currently on track to hit late July but most likely August. This is corroborated by a GameStop employee, who reveals that they received marketing materials for the game, but were instructed to slap a big old “Coming Soon” sticker over that June 21st date.

No Man's Sky possibly delayed

No Man's Sky possibly delayed

Of course, there has been no official announcement. But with the above photos and the fact that almost any game that doesn’t rhyme with Shmallout Shmour never seems to hit its release date, I wouldn’t be surprised if this were indeed true.