Turbine, the developer of The Lord of the Rings Online, will be issuing final foreclosure notices on homes that have been locked for more than 180 days. This is part of the next update for LotRO, which is hoping to re-release vacant homes to the player market in preparation for some cool housing updates later in 2013.
After receiving a final foreclosure notice, you will have 60 days to pay down the upkeep, otherwise your home will be foreclosed and put back on the market. Thankfully, you won't lose your items. All items stored in the house will be put into escrow. Those items will stay there indefinitely, but you won't be allowed to buy a new home until you clear out your escrow.
The post on the game's official site says, "The hope here is that by putting all of the long-dormant homes back on the market current players will find it easier to build close-knit communities with their friends."
The house I bought in 2009 was a foreclosure. The first thing I recommend is finding a really good company to do the inspection. Mine missed a bunch of things, like the bad A/C that caused water damage to the wood floors $7,000 worth of mold damage. This is especially important in the Shire, where your houses are covered by soil and grass. Morning dew has been known to cause wood rot to ceilings in that part of Middle-earth.
You can follow Senior Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ. He likes talking sports, video games, movies, and the stupidity of celebrities. Email at LLiebl@GameZone.com