Alright, alright, so… there may have been some backlash towards the announced BioShock Infinite cover art (myself included). The simplistic, guy with shotgun, and nothing really else had me questioning the reason behind this choice. Nearly a week later Irrational Games answered my questions with Ken Levine’s interviews about why they went the way they did.
The main reason was strictly from a marketing standpoint. The Cliffs Notes version of the story is generic shooting guy appeals to a wider audience than robot and little girl. Anyone who knows BioShock has been following the game for years now and are going to buy it regardless of the cover. So, if that’s the case, why not make the cover desirable for everyone else? When you strip it down it makes sense.
So as a sort of compromise, Ken Levine has offered the public choice in what should be on the reversible cover of the game. Even though we’ll all see the generic Booker on the shelves we’ll have the option to swap it out once we own the game. This seems fair to me. What is even MORE fair is the fact that we can vote! Check out the options below and more importantly go HERE and vote!
My vote is for #6.
Historian, teacher, writer, gamer, cheat master, and tech guru: follow on Twitter @AndrewC_GZ