VVVVVV composer releases new full-length album

It's no secret that VVVVVV is an awesome game. The challenging level design, cool art style, and high level of challenge all help create a memorable side-scrolling experience that's both enthralling and unique. Also, those characters are charming as heck!

All of that great stuff aside, though, there's another aspect of VVVVVV that really stands out: the music. The many tracks heard throughout this indie gem are incredible. And who's responsible for all that great music? None other than composer Souleye.

Simply put, Souleye managed to deliver one of the most memorable video game soundtracks ever heard. And now, he's at it again with some new music and a new album. Titled Adventure, the full-length album features 20 incredible tracks.

Adventure includes music from VVVVVV 2.0, VVVVVV for the 3DS, and unreleased songs from Pulsen. You can listen to the entire album for free on Bandcamp or be awesome and buy a physical or digital copy on Souleye's website.

Check out the trailer for Adventure on YouTube. It's pretty cool, and the stuff at the end is funny. Also, I literally feared for the lives of those people jumping off cliffs.

[Source: Destructoid]

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