Warm up for MLB 14 The Show on PS4 with this new trailer

With MLB 14 The Show releasing for PlayStation 4 in just over a week, Sony San Diego has released a new developer walkthrough that highlights a few of this year's new features.

Now if you've been following our coverage of MLB 14, like reading our reviews for both the PS3 and Vita versions, then you're probably already aware of the Quick Counts and Player Lock modes. These are two modes designed to help speed up the game, essentially allowing you to play more of The Show in less time. This means you can finally make it through a 162-game season without fully simulating games.

In total, MLB 14 The Show offers over 40 other new gameplay features and enhancements, including dynamic field marking and dynamic cameras. To familiarize yourself with some of these, check out the walkthrough above, courtesy of MLB The Show community manager Ramone Russell.

MLB 14 The Show will be available for PS4 on May 6.