[Watch] Come check out the PlayStation Experience briefing right here

What does Sony have up their sleeve?

As if The Game Awards weren't good enough, gamers are getting a second helping of big reveals later today as Sony holds their annual PlayStation Experience media briefing in about an hour from now. We have some idea of what to expect from the show, as Telltale's Guardians of the Galaxy is due to get a trailer sometime today, but we're hoping for a few surprises as well.

Hideo Kojima will also be partaking in a panel about Death Stranding, but after the trailer he revealed at The Game Awards, I wouldn't expect too much more new details to come out. However, one potentially huge announcement is the rumor that Marvel vs. Capcom 4 is going to be revealed today, which is sure to cause an uproar of biblical proportions for series and genre fans. If you're at the show, there will be plenty of games on hand for you to try out including Sniper Ghost Warrior 3

If you want, we have a full list of both the games and developers that will be attending the show. The show begins at 1 PM EST/10 AM PST, so kick back and enjoy!