Video game ads are generally pretty mundane, mostly because they all revolve around the exact same themes of empowerment to the player or trying to be funny. However, the Japanese have taken a far more creative approach in a new ad for Destiny 2; a dance party.
The ad is called "Freestyle Playground, " and it is a legit live-action trailer of actors suited up in Guardian costumes and the result is one of the best things you'll see all day.
Destiny 2 isn't even 24 hours old, but already Bungie has collected a mountain of feedback and data on issues that have hampered some gamers at launch. The biggest problem appears to be game crashes for PS4 Pro owners, but Bungie has already said they are looking into it.
We've compiled a couple of starter guides to help get Guardians on their way, so if you're interested you can check them out below:
Destiny 2 is available now on PS4 and Xbox One and will release for PC on October 24th.