Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, the successful sequel to the original, was announced for the Nintendo Switch recently. Even more recently, we were given a release date of September 22. Today, we got a new trailer exclusively for the Switch version, showing off some of the unique features for the port.
Seen above, the trailer is in Japanese, but the features are pretty apparent. Optional motion controls, controller options, local co-op play and more. The description of the game reads:
"Featuring Nintendo Switch specific controls and functionality, players will be able to execute famous moves such as the KAMEHAMEHA and the Spirit Bomb with the Joy Con Motion Controls. Players will also be able to join friends for grand DRAGON BALL adventures through a six-player local play mode, exclusive to the Nintendo Switch."
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is currently on PC, PS4 and Xbox One, receiving praise from many publications including Game Zone! Once again, the Switch version releases on September 22.