[Watch] Flash’s Ultimate in ‘Injustice 2’ revealed in new gameplay

and it's awesome!

Flash has been making a number of appearances in Injustice 2 trailers without ever revealing his Ultimate. Luckily, we have been gifted with a Flash gameplayer trailer that shows off his slick moveset.

Related:  Injustice 2 'Shattered Alliances' Story Trailers – Part 1,  Part 2Part 3 and Part 4.

The gameplay trailer, below, shows off Flash's skills, including one of his skills that takes him back in time and allows him to abuse innocent dinosaurs who are just looking for a meal with a giant gorilla. 

The synopsis attached to 'The Flash':

Once known as the fastest man alive, Barry Allen has hung up his boots in public shame after defecting from the Regime. However as a new enemy threatens the innocent, the Flash returns to action, determined to redeem himself.

Injustice 2 is set to release on May 16th, for the Xbox One and PS4.