[Watch] Kong Skull Island teaser shows the king himself in action

All Hail the King! Kong Smash!

Even though a full trailer for Kong: Skull Island won't be releaed for two more days, Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures have shown us a quick little glimpse at Kong himself in action.

It is short, lasting only 9 seconds, but we get to see the King smash a helicopter into the ground. Kong has half of a ripped apart helicopter in each hand and pummels it right down into the camera, which is looking right up at Kong's face. It's the first action we've seen of Kong other than a teaser image late last week.

Skull Island is a remake of Kong's origins and will star a lot of familiar faces in Tom Hiddleston, John C Reilly, Samuel L Jackson and John Goodman. So, obviously there is going to be a lot of mother f'n gorillas on this mother f'n island. We will have the full trailer for you when it releases later this week, but for now you'll just have to enjoy the little 9 seconds above. 

Kong: Skull Island releases in theaters on March 10th, 2017