[Watch] Latest Prey trailer shows off one of the first alien abilities you learn

If you can't beat the aliens, be the aliens.

You won't survive in Prey by just running around like an annoying little human with a gun (even when your weapons will be upgradeable). In fact, you'll need to the same powers that the aliens on board the Talos I are using. It's kind of like that old saying if you can't beat them, join them… Except this time you are just using them for their powers then beating them. 

The abilities granted to you from the Typhon (the aliens) will allow you to do a number of things. One of these abilities, Mimic Matter, let you become anything you've ever dreamt of, a cup, a kettle, a turret… heck you can even be a banana if you really want to be!

Of course, you'll have to work your way up to transforming into more complex objects, like robots, but starting small never hurts. Check out Mimic Matter in the trailer above!

Prey will be available on May 5, 2017, on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. If you haven't seen gameplay for Prey yet, head here. The gameplay will definitely build up the hype for the game, it looks awesome.

Get more info on Prey and abilities on Bethesda.net.