The Sea of Thieves Technical Alpha is something of an exclusive club for those who can't wait to get their hands on the game. So while we all hit refresh on our inboxes over and over again with hopes of an invite, developer Rare has released an all new gameplay video of a team of four devs taking their skills to the high seas while trying to mingle with players who are in the Technical Alpha. Spoiler alert, it doesn't go well.
Overall, the video is more of what you expect. A beautifully rendered open ocean where players can dynamically throw themselves into whatever role they want on the fly. The overarching goal remains to find and dig up treasure chests of gold and then delivering them to safety, all while trying not to sink on the way there. In other words, it makes for a good time with friends.
The first wave of invitations for the Technical Alpha went out about a month ago, and they've been very hard to come by since. Rare has gone about advertising the game in their own way since their E3 2016 showcase, choosing to release Developer videos instead of conventional promo materials. Frankly, it works better that way since the game can showcase itself in a more realistic way to give fans the best possible idea of what to expect from it.
Sea of Thieves still doesn't have a release date, but it is supposed to come out sometime this year.
Source: [YouTube]