Sea of Thieves has been conducting it's Closed Alpha over the last two months or so, and it looks like Rare is getting ready to roll out an all-new update that will bring a few added elements to the game. It seems like such an obvious and trivial thing, but Sea of Thieves will be getting fall damage added to its mechanics. As you can see from the video above, there are plenty of opportunities for players to leap from the land onto their moving vessel with a treasure chest in hand.
As cool as that is, the problem is that there hasn't been a limit to the distance you can fall. Those days are apparently over, as you can find yourself joining the dead if you decide to leap from a cliff down to your ship below.
Sea of Thieves will also be introducing undead skeleton enemies for an added obstacle. Until now, Sea of Thieves has only shown players getting in the way of each other, so naturally, it makes sense to add another wrinkle to the game world.
Sea of Thieves will be sending out another wave of Technical Alpha invites, so make sure you're signed up for the Insiders Program and keep a close eye on your email.
Source: [YouTube]