Middle-earth: Shadow of War is coming soon, riding the wave created by Shadow of Mordor. Shadow of Mordor had players creating their own stories with their own characters with a concept and game design that developer Monolith coined "The Nemesis System". This system is expanding in the latest installation of the series, making the stories you create even more personal, which is proven in the latest teaser trailer.
This video is just a teaser for a full trailer planned for September 18, but we can gather some information from it regardless. Take a look below:
Save your thrall, or fight your rival? This is just one example of your own self-crafted story that will appear in Shadow of War.
The game was originally slated for August but has since been delayed to October, but Monolith insists that the game's finished project will be "light years ahead" of Shadows of Mordor in terms of gameplay and polish.