We finally get live gameplay of No Man’s Sky during Sony’s press conference

This game is absolutely immense

Every time we've seen No Man's Sky, it was through a pre-recorded trailer that showed gameplay, but was always carefully edited. This time, we've gotten a glimpse at some gameplay that wasn't scripted and saw just how massive the game is.

The first thing Sean Murray did when he took the stage was step into his fighter jet and took part in a short space battle. Afterwards, he paused and zoomed out to show just how HUGE the world is. Millions of stars with planets to be explored.

Then we saw exploration in its purest form; Murray picked a random planet to fly to. Immediately, he was presented with beacons and points of interests to explore. The planet was complete with hostiles ready to incinerate Murray. At the end, Murray mentioned that when the game is released, someone might find this very planet that he unveiled at E3. But chances are, you won't.