The Amazing Spider-Man 2's "Web Threads Suit Pack" DLC, which was previously exclusive to those who pre-ordered the game, is now available for purchase for all players. The new DLC offers the same four costumes made available for pre-orders and adds two additional costumes to the mix. They are:
- New! The dynamo-powered, energy-resistant Electro-Proof Suit
- New! The heavily armored Ends of the Earth Suit, perfect for fending off up to six sinister villains at a time
- The technological marvel of the Iron Spider Suit
- The celestial, Big Bang-infused Cosmic Spider-Man Suit
- The sleek, not-of-this-world Black Suit
- The shadowy, alternate universe Spider-Man Noir Suit
Each costume is does more then provide you with a fashion choice. They are "tactical decisions," each delivering a unique mix of offensive and defensive bonuses that grow stronger with experience.
The Web Threads Suit Pack can be purchased on PSN, Xbox Games Store and Steam for $6.99. Alternatively, you can purchase each costume individually for $1.99 each.