Another week, another dollar. Unless you live in the land of Grand Theft Auto 5, in which case the saying would be something like "another week, another few thousand dollars." As you can probably already tell, Rockstar's instant hit is the big story as of late, but there's also plenty to more to stoked about. Check out all of GameZone's latest content right here in our Weekly Wrap-Up.
Legend of Dungeon Review: Where everything's made up and the pots don't matter
This retro-flavored adventure is well worth checking out and ranks up there with some of the current indie greats.
Review: Cognition: Episode 4 is a satisfying finale that’s over too soon
It's over in a flash, but if you've invested time in this series, definitely be sure to see it through to the end.
Grand Theft Auto 5 Review: More than tits and violence
Rockstar's latest may very well be the company's greatest. It's certainly among some of the best offerings of this year alone.
Review: Urban Trial Freestyle looks beautiful yet feels eerily familiar
It's no Trials, but this title could provide some entertainment.
Preview: Nether tosses you into a ravaged world with what's left of humanity
Enter a desolate land and survive against transformed freaks in this upcoming MMO.
Dark Souls 2 Beta Impressions: Prepare to multiplayer edition
Still stoked about Dark Souls 2? Yeah, so are we.
Insurgency preview: Hardcore shooter that needs some more time to marinade
This one's more for those days when you know you'll have buddies to shoot stuff with.
Never enough Grand Theft Auto 5!
Grand Theft Auto 5 is the worst game I've ever played
Can't afford Grand Theft Auto V? Check out these games instead!
GTA 5 and my newfound respect for the ESRB rating
GTA 5 Tips and Tricks: How to steal a jet from the military base
Wait, people are still blaming video games? Of course they are!
Mass killings in 1927 and 1966 had nothing to do with video games, so why do they now?
GTA 5 releases, a wild Jack Thompson appears: 'Gamers addiction has made them retarded'
More GZ Originals
What handheld should GameZone's Matt Liebl pick up?
Splinter Cell Blacklist Spies vs Mercs Multiplayer Tips for Fun & Winning
Get the most out of your multiplayer experience in Splinter Cell Blacklist.
Dr. David's Indie Spotlight: Stuttering Craig delves into Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures
We chat it up with Stuttering Craig about the foul language-filled adventures of the good Angry Video Game Nerd.
Look at this guy! Look at him!
Dark Souls reminds me of the original Super Mario Bros.
Seriously, these two games have more in common than you may think.
Talking Saints Row marketing and trolling with Deep Silver's Aubrey Norris
GameZone talks with the PR queen behind Saints Row 4.
Five whole reasons to stand by the Wii U (yep, five!)
No, we're not lying. There are five.
Up Up Down Down: Rayman Legends
You have no idea how tough it was to find flaws in this game.
What video games would you like to see make a comeback?
It's time for more Shenmue.
Want to talk about indie games, Kirby, or cheap pizza? Follow me on Twitter @dr_davidsanchez.