This week’s Xbox One, 360 Deals with Gold (1/23 – 1/29)

With another week upon us, Microsoft has updated their list of discounted Xbox One and Xbox 360 games. This week’s Deals with Gold is bringing some great titles including Battlefield 1, Titanfall 2, Divinity Original Sin and more.

Xbox One owners can find all of the titles mentioned above, as well as some sweet bundles, Star Wars Battlefront 2, and a bunch of smaller titles. Xbox 360 owners, on the other hand, can look forward to some Street Fighter.

You can check out all of the discounts below!

Xbox One

Game Price (USD) Sale Type
Assault Android Cactus Xbox One X Enhanced $ 11.24 Gold
Battlefield 1 & Titanfall 2 Ultimate Bundle $ 26.40 Gold
Battlefield 1 Premium Pass $ 15.00 Gold
Battlefield 1 Revolution $ 13.20 Gold
Battlefield 4 $ 5.00 Gold
Battlefield Anniversary Bundle $ 50.00 Gold
Divinity: Original Sin – Enhanced Edition $ 10.00 Gold
Killallzombies $ 3.60 Gold
Marble Void Xbox One X Enhanced $ 3.34 Gold
Oh…sir! The Insult Simulator $ 2.24 Gold
Seasons After Fall $ 5.00 Gold
Sherlock Holmes: Crimes And Punishments $ 7.50 Gold
Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom $ 7.50 Gold
Slain: Back From Hell $ 4.50 Gold
Spellspire $ 5.00 Gold
Star Wars Battlefront II HDR Xbox One X Enhanced $ 35.99 Gold
Star Wars Battlefront II: Elite Trooper Deluxe EditionHDR Xbox One X Enhanced $ 40.00 Gold
Three Fourths Home: Extended Edition $ 3.30 Gold
Titanfall 2: Ultimate Edition $ 13.20 Gold
White Night $ 4.95 Gold


Xbox 360

Game Price (USD) Sale Type
Dark Elves $ 2.67 Gold
Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition $ 3.74 Gold
Street Fighter IV Backwards Compatible $ 13.99 Gold
Super Streetfighter IV Arcade Edition Backwards Compatible $ 11.99 Gold
Ultra Street Fighter IV $ 7.49 Gold