What the heck happened during Sony’s Uncharted 4 demo?

It's always safe to blame the controller.

Half a minute is a long time for nothing to happen when you have hundreds of thousands of people tuned into live feed of the game you’ve sunk millions into, all eager for their first major look at what you’ve accomplished. Which is exactly what happened at the close of Sony’s E3 presentation when Bruce Straley, the game’s co-director, took the stage to give a live demonstration.


So what happened? The controller. Or, rather, the lack of one. The stagehand that was meant to bring the controller, along with a stool for Straley to sit on, forgot the most important of the two. After a mad scramble, he managed to find a DualShock while the stage lights briefly go down, only to then learn this controller is connected to an entirely different system. More scrambling ensues and after rebooting the demo, Straley managed to get through 7 minutes of seriously awesome gameplay.


Live events like this are famous for very public uh ohs, but they serve both as a good reminder that the people making our favorite games are extremely human and also gives us something fun to talk about the next day.