Woody Harrelson to play Garrish Shrike in Star Wars spin-off Han Solo film

Just under two years to go

Woody Harrelson was confirmed for the Han Solo movie a while back, but we had no clue who he was going to play other than a being "a bit of a criminal" mentor type of role. That changed today, according to a new report from Variety.

Harrelson confirmed his role to in the Han Solo spinoff to be Garrish Shrike. The character comes from the book 'The Paradise Snare', which came out a full 20 years after the original film in1997. According to the book, Shrike is the one who rescued Han Solo as a child and proceeded to teach him how to fly and be a criminal. If this sounds bad, it gets worse – Han left Shrike after he was beaten and abused. 

The Han Solo film does not have a title yet, but will release in 2018 following up this year's Episode 8 which was just officially titled "The Last Jedi".  Donald Glover is also in the film in his role of young Lando Calrissian. What do you think of the casting so far? Let us know. 
