World of Warcraft: Legion gets new trailer right before launch

Azeroth needs your help...again

After a year-long wait, World of Warcraft's sixth official expansion, Legion will be releasing in a matter of hours, and to celebrate, Blizzard has released an all-new cinematic trailer to get players hyped to defend Azeroth. Legion sees the return of the demonic Burning Legion and the heroes of Azeroth must seek salvation among the ruins of the Broken Isles. Players will also be getting their hands on an all-new character class, the Demon Hunter, alongside a level cap increase to 110 and class-specific Artifact Weapons

There are currently three raid tiers planned for the new expansion, with the first one, The Emerald Nightmare launching in about three weeks. Considering World of Warcraft's significant drop in subscriptions, Legion could very well prove to be exactly what Blizzard's legendary MMO needs to stay on top of the pack.

World of Warcraft – Legion launches tomorrow, August 30th, 2016.