The World of Warcraft design team was on stage at Blizzcon – see what they had to say about the new talent systems in World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria.
Class Abilities – abilities you get for being a given class – these would be the abilities you used to get at your class trainer, also known as Core abilities.
Spec Abilities – Currently in the gamem only you only get one, but they're talking about giving you several, such as one every 10 levels.
Talents – new talent system detailed below.
– Choose your spec at level 10
– Get a spec ability at level 10
-Get additoinal spec abilitities later, such as old talents you need to have to function, and old core abilities not every spec needs. ( The example Ghostcrawler used was that destruction warlocks get less dots than say an affliction warlock.)
– One talent tree per class
– No points or ranks
– Every 15 levels (starting at 15) you get to pick 1 talent of 3 for a total of 6 talents.
Stay tuned for more Blizzcon coverage as it happens here on GameZone!