It has been exactly one week since Skyrim patch 1.3 became available for PC users. It's been slightly over one week since Bethesda promised Xbox 360 and PS3 users that the patch would arrive shortly on the console versions.
When the patch released last week, Bethesda said, "The patch has been submitted to Sony and Microsoft, and pending approval, should be released sometime later this week."
Well, it has been exactly one week and still have no received any patch. Dragons still fly backwards, magic resistance is still broken, and Bethesda's VP of Marketing and PR Pete Hines still confirms that the patch has been submitted to both Sony and Microsoft.
When asked by a fan, Hines confirmed, "Update 1.3 is already submitted to both Sony and MS."
So I guess there is nothing left to do, but wait. As for what the patch contains, Bethesda did release patch notes for the update 1.3. Taken directly from the forums, the following notes are for all platforms, unless specified.
- General stability improvements
- Optimize performance for Core 2 Duo CPUs (PC)
- Fixed Radiant Story incorrectly filling certain roles
- Fixed magic resistances not calculating properly
- Fixed issue with placing books on bookshelves inside player purchased homes
- Fixed dragon animation issues with saving and loading
- Fixed Y-look input to scale correctly with framerate
The long wait could be attributed to the recent Xbox dashboard update, but if you are a PS3 user and possibly hoping the extended wait might mean the lag will get fixed, I wouldn't count on it. Usually, when a patch is a submitted, no additional changes are made, until the next patch. And seeing as how Bethesda has already stated that update 1.3 won't address the lag, I wouldn't get my hopes up.
However, Bethesda has offered a glimmer of hope for PS3 users. Bethesda has issued a statement updating PS3 users on the long-term play issues.
"Right now we know it’s not one thing, but a combination of smaller ones that some folks are seeing, but others are not. Some seem to be the PS3 autosaving in the background (you can turn that off), some may be SPU AI updates, and some may relate to dynamic system memory allocation," explained Bethesda.
Bethesda has said they plan on releasing "regular updates for the game through full title updates, as well as "incremental gameplay updates" to fix whatever issues come up along with rebalancing portions of the game for difficulty or exploits."
So as of right now, nothing has really changed. The Skyrim 1.3 patch is still waiting for approval from Sony and Microsoft.