Microsoft has announced some new changes coming to the Xbox app on Windows 10 as well as a new Beta program to test out new features before they roll out to the masses.
Similar to the Xbox One preview program, the Beta App on Windows 10 will let users provide feedback on the new changes prior to being available to all members on the platform. It will become avaialable later this month and you'll need to download the app from the Windows store in order to enroll in the program.
Some new features added today, along with the ones mentioned on Xbox 360, are both a real time friends list and activity feed. These will update on the fly in order to show an accurate portrayal of which of your friends are online, what they are playing along with what screenshots and features they upload to your feed. A console text entry feature has been added as well which allows people streaming games to Xbox One to be able to enter text in search boxes, etc. using compatible devices from the PC.
Have you tried the Windows 10 Xbox App yet? Let us know how you like it.