I've got to hand it to Microsoft, they know what their consumers want (ha!). After multiple policy changes, the console maker has finally got one right on the first try — every Xbox One will include TWO AA batteries for the controller. It seems Major Nelson forgot to mention that in his fancy unboxing video.
In this day and age, it's sad that we're even having a discussion about AA batteries being used for console controllers. It's even more sad that most companies don't include batteries with the devices that require them. I can recall on numerous occasions as a child getting that awesome electronic gift only to see "batteries not included" on the side of the box — and you can bet we never had the batteries anywhere in the house, requiring my dad to go to the local store to pick up some.
Microsoft is making life easier on parents and consumers and for that, I thank them. I can totally see the company's new marketing pitch — "Xbox One: Batteries included!" Hey, it's better than anything they've had so far.
AA batteries now join the recently added Chat Headset as already in-the-box features for the Xbox One. Suddenly, the Xbox One is starting to seem worthy of that $500 price. Removing the hassle of going out and buying batteries is, alone, worth the extra $100 more than what Sony is asking for the PS4. What other goodies will Microsoft add before the launch!?