Earlier this week, Microsoft revealed that the Xbox One exclusive, ReCore, was heading to the PC via Windows 10. Along with this announcement, the game's release date had been subtly shifted from a "Spring 2016" release to a "2016" release.
Microsoft made no official comment on this at the time, but it was suggested that the game had been met with a stealth delay.
A Microsoft representative has since confirmed ReCore's delay, although the delay itself isn't extreme. Instead of releasing in Spring, ReCore will release "the latter half of 2016." According to the statement from the representative to Engadget, Microsoft has "not yet set a launch date for ReCore however the game will be ready in the latter half of 2016."
In regards to the PC release, the representative said Microsoft will "have more to share soon on ReCore, please stay tuned."
There you have it, it's official folks.