Xenoblade Chronicles Boss Guide: How to beat Xord

The best JRPG in years is finally here, but with all this content, it's easy to get lost. Thankfully, GameZone.com is here with our full Xenoblade Chronicles walkthrough and FAQ! This walkthrough assumes you are using the Wii Classic Controller. If you're using the standard Wii Remote, please consider buying an actual video game controller and playing the game correctly!


The key to destroying Xord is to use a chain attack to topple him, as the big metal jerk can't be toppled in the normal fashion, nor will the Enchant ability work on him either. Luckily, Xord frequently summons Mechon M55 and Mechon M67 for assistance, which will help you fill the Party Affinity gauge. Xord can hit hard with Physical Arts, so be sure and cast Monado Speed on anyone being targetted, or use shield type buffs to keep the damage down. Reguarly heal as well, so that you won't be wasting your PA gauge on reviving teammates. 
Once you've activated the chain attack gauge, break and topple ol' Xord, then lay into him. 25% of his HP later and you'll have won this battle!