1 Million Wiis Served in the UK

Even in the UK Nintendo’s latest console has reached astronomical levels of success. Take for instance Nintendo’s latest press release, revealing to us that the Wii has become the fastest selling home console in UK video game history.

If UK sales tracking company Chart Track is to be believed, it’s only taken 38 weeks for 1 million people throughout the territory to find themselves off their couches and prancing around the living room (the latter of which we suspect only really happens in Nintendo’s press videos). Compare that number to the PlayStation 2 (which took 50 weeks) and the Xbox 360 (60 weeks) to reach the 1 million mark and suddenly Nintendo’s sexy console seems even sexier.

“The non-stop demand for Wii even in the traditionally slow sales periods for video games in the UK is clearly behind this record breaking achievement,” said GM David Yarnton. “The performance of both systems appears to indicate that unprecedented interactive entertainment experiences, provided by a combination of the revolutionary nature of DS and Wii…are being enjoyed by both avid and new gamers of all ages.”

With such biggies as Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3 and Endless Ocean looming on the horizon, we say Nintendo is likely to continue the trend for months to come.