The king is back, baby. Duke Nukem was a big, silly character in gaming’s past. He was infamous for his ridiculous humor, but the Duke became the butt of the joke after a decade of delays killed Duke Nukem Forever and any faith anyone had for a new game in the series. Enter Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project.
The new Duke Nukem looks like a lightweight title that is taking the series back to its 2D roots. Manhattan Project is a 2D shooter that is going for a retro-ish vibe. Now that 3D Realms has announced the game how many years will it take before it is released? Try two weeks.
That is right, the game will be available in two weeks on June 23 for 800 Microsoft Points.
It looks like a lesson may have been learned somewhere along the lines of the Duke Nukem Forever nightmare. Does this mean that the series is back and that it is only a matter of time before a big, 3D FPS is shooting up consoles and PCs. Well, there is no way to tell, but it is a good sign that the series does have some life in it.
We’ve contacted 3D Realms on the possibility of a Playstation Network and Steam version.