Bethesda: Wii is Getting Hit with Poor Games Aimed at Uninformed Kids

Todd Howard, Executive Producer and Game Director for Bethesda, expressed some interesting thoughts regarding the Wii during a recent interview with the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences:

I’m worried the Wii is getting stuck with quick-buck games aimed at children who don’t know any better. — Todd Howard

Of course, the Wii wasn’t the only system about which he had something to say, as he reiterated a comment he had made at Comic Con recently, stating that “360 and PS3 are all about M rated killfests.”

He adds:

As an industry, we have to make sure the world knows that gaming is for everyone, and not just kids or thirtysomethings who never grew up. — Todd Howard, via VG247

GoNintendo makes an interesting observation about Howard’s Wii comments as well:

Now remember, Bethesda is involved in a game for Wii called ‘Medieval Games’, which is a mini-game based title. I’ll wait for the final project to judge the quality, but it sounds like this game may end up being the same thing that Mr. Howard is worried about. — GoNintendo

What do you think? Is the pot calling the kettle black on this one?