It has been revealed via the Official Xbox Magazine that Neversoft is ditching “real-world celebrities as playable characters” concept in the next installment of Guitar Hero. But as much as that’s a shocker, there is much more.
Now that celebrities are no longer part or the Guitar Hero “experience”, it makes us look back on whether or not this feature, added or detracted from the game. Many thought that having Kurt Cobain and Jonny Cash in Guitar Hero 5, made the title look like a cash cow, rather than a true rhythm game. Though, despite the criticism, the celebrities really didn’t do much other than cause a stir.
OXM also exposed that Neversoft plans on going “back to basics” as well as have a “much bigger focus on rock ‘n’ roll”. This could mean various things such as more classic tracks, (speaking of which Queen, Kiss, Black Sabbath have all been confirmed) or maybe change the feel or style of the game. Also, this refocusing could mean that some features may be cut.
If one were to speculate, this might mean that some of the more complicated aspects are being dropped. For example, the overly complicated “battle powers”, that many believed made Guitar Hero more convoluted than it should be.
Nonetheless, this new approach will surely draw back some of the fans that abandoned the franchise after the travesty that was last year. Hopefully with the star-studded band members no longer a problem and a bigger emphasis or rock, we might see a better, more refined experience this time around.
Tell us, what do you wanna see out of Guitar Hero 6?