Hop on your sparrow and make your way through the checkpoints. Care as you get halfway there you will meet a giant turret with incredible damage dealing ability. It has one large eye in the center and is creativley named Cyclops. Put on a red suit, attach eight reindeer to a sleigh, gain 100 lbs and deliver the gift of bullets until Cyclops explodes with Christmas cheer. Hop back on your sparrow and get to the com station. We find it best to go righta and pick these enemies off slowly. When you get to the console you are in for another huge fight. The Minitaurs are the hardest part of this fight. Keep moving and keep an eye on enemy locations. They can teleport right next to you so always keep moving. This fight is best done with 3 people. Dispatch every last robot, take the batteries out and return them to Radio Shack.