DLC Coming to inFamous Plus $20 Price Cut

Much like the Sly Cooper franchise and it’s inability to escape the shadow of Naughty Dog’s Jak trilogy and Insomniac’s Ratchet and Clank series, the latest game from Sucker Punch falls victim once again to the success of its platformer-developing rivals. Sony is hoping to change that by providing gamers with a few incentives.

The biggest news is perhaps the game’s new price of just $40. Considering that this is a Sony published title that was release this year, that is quite a deal. In addition, those who own the game will be able to download the “Gigawatt Blades” superpower come December 10 for free. Those of you who pre-ordered the game a while back already have this content, so there’s nothing new for you here unfortunately. It’s nice to see Sony doing something to promote this product and while the DLC is rather so-so, the drop in price should certainly help sales.