Duke Nukem Chews Bubblegum and Kicks Ass to the Tune of 40,000 Downloads in 3 Days

With Duke Nukem Forever perpetually stewing and no other new games released in… well, quite some time, the jokingly-asked question has been whether or not anyone even cares about Duke anymore.

Well, it’s no joking matter anymore: Apparently, a lot of people still hail the king:

Duke Nukem 3d has a robust Thursday and Friday, bringing it’s cume to just below 40,000 in 3 days. It’s the first game to officially beat out Castle Crashers, which sold 19,000 units on the week. — VG Chartz

That’s actually kind of impressive. But I still doubt that Duke Nukem Forever is going to be anywhere near worth the wait. Of course, I kind of hope it actually is. If so, it would have to be the greatest game ever.