EB Games Canada Offers 500 Nintendo Point Card for Pre-Ordering New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Sure, it’s not a tin, or cool figures, an artbook, or even a coin, but at least if you pre-order New Super Mario Bros. Wii at EB Games in Canada, you’ll at least get something.

As you can see in the illustration above, those who pre-order New Super Mario Bros. Wii will get a neat little NSMBWii card, which can be redeemed for 500 Nintendo Points. Nothing too grand, but hey– free NES game. That’s not too bad for a game you were probably looking at getting anyway.

GoNintendo has the full flier here, which talks about the official Modern Warfare 2 launch event in Toronto, a bonus with a Tony Hawk RIDE pre-order, and a tax credit for Assassin’s Creed II.