Control The Scoring
Enter “SCOREBOX” as a code.
To make it so that everyone has butterfingers, enter this phrase at the Codes screen: READY TO FUMBLE.
Jump Higher
To make players jump higher, enter the phrase SUPERMAN at the Codes screen in the main menu.
Protect the Ball Carrier
To protect the ball carrier in a special force field, enter the phrase CAN’T TOUCH THIS at the Codes screen.
Turn on the Weather…. Indoors
To turn weather on inside dome stadiums, enter this phrase at the Code screen: SHAKE IT UP.
Pro Bowl and Teams
To unlock the Pro Bowl (Aloha Bowl) and Pro Bowl teams, enter this phrase at the Codes screen: ALOHA.
Unlock Reliant Stadium
To unlock Reliant Stadium, enter the code HOWDY at the Codes screen.