Finding Bigfoot in video games

Bigfoot isn't just searched for in real life. He doesn't just make appearances in movies and television. Actually, he's quite popular in video games. Game developers have this thing for putting Bigfoot in their games, either in plain sight or as an easter egg. We've tracked down some of the most memorable Bigfoot appearances in the video gaming world.

Sam & Max Hit the Road

sam and max hit the road bigfoot

This graphic adventure video game was released by LucasArts in the hay day of MS-DOS and Mac OS gaming in the early and mid-90s. Using puzzles and a point-and-click interface, you follow a pair of Freelance Police who investigate a carnival where their star attraction, a frozen Bigfoot named Bruno, has been set free and fled. There's actually a whole Bigfoot gathering in this game, because, you know, there's no party like a Bigfoot party.

The Simpsons Arcade Game

bigfoot the simpsons arcade game

Considered one of the best arcade games of all-time, the 1991 The Simpsons Arcade Game was re-released for Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network in February of 2012. One of the enemies you'll encounter is Bigfoot, who is based on Homer when he was mistaken for Bigfoot in the Simpsons episode "The Call of the Simpsons." D'OH!

Ski Resort Tycoon

ski resort tycoon bigfoot

It's like Roller Coaster Tycoon, but without the thrill of roller coasters. In Ski Resort Tycoon, you must successfully create and run a ski resort, from ski lifts and lodges to bathrooms and food stands. Just make sure your skiers don't get abducted by a wandering Sasquatch.

Zoo Tycoon

zoo tycoon bigfoot

See Ski Resort Tycoon? Same thing, except this time it's a zoo. Bigfoot was a bonus animal that you could unlock in the game.


darkstalkers sasquatch

This character's name is actually Sasquatch, so I'm kind of forced to include him on the list. He is the most noble of his tribe of Bigfoot that live deep in the Rocky Mountain of Canada. He also appears in several other Darkstalkers games, as well as SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters Clash.

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow

castlevania dawn of sorrow bigfoot

In the Nintendo DS game Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, the Bigfoot soul is at the very start of the game. You can see him walking around in the background. To get him, you have to use the skeleton waiter soul to get him to jump out at you.

The Sims 2: Bon Voyage

bigfoot the sims 2 bon voyage

At this point in The Sims franchise, I'd be suprised if they didn't have Bigfoot. I mean, they have everything else. To get Bigfoot, you need to find him first. He's located on a secret lot in Three Lakes — one of the vacation destinations. After forging a relationship with him, he can move in with you, gaining skills and working and being a valuable member of The Sims society.

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07

tiger woods pga tour 07 bigfoot

Bigfoot might be as elusive as Tiger Woods' quest to win another Major, so it's quite appropriate that Bigfoot would make an appearance in Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07. Go to the 17th green at Sahalee Country Club, and you can see Bigfoot hiding behind a tree (sorry for the quality; it was the best I could find). There also seems to be an appearance of Bigfoot in the crowd.

bigfoot tiger woods

Tony Hawk's Underground 2

tony hawk bigfoot

Bigfoot on a skateboard. Need I say more?

Honorable Mention – BigFoot: Collision Course

bigfoot collision course game

This game was a thing, and of course it was released on the Wii. In it, you follow the monster truck career of BigFoot, which is an an allusion to the legendary Sasquatch.

You can follow Movies and Culture Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ. He likes talking sports, video games, and the stupidity of celebrities. Email at