Nintendo’s new-generation console, Wii, doesn’t seem to be exempt from the law of console launches: launch units have problems. Last year, it was Xbox 360s breaking, but this year, along with PlayStation 3 owners, some Wii fans are frustrated by un-working launch consoles.
It seems that downloading a firmware upgrade via WiiConnect24 upon connecting to the Internet with Wii triggers reoccurring errors –- the most common of which are error 110213 and error 32002. The Big N does, thankfully, have two solutions for any gamers experiencing this issue.
The first is pretty simple. Call the company up, and they’ll ship you a brand new Wii in 3-4 business days. The second, however, is for consumers with any important data (such as Virtual Console downloads) that don’t want to lose their flash memory data. Nintendo will send a shipping label to these folks, allowing them to send in their faulty Wiis, and then the Big N will fix the problem and send it back. The downside here, though, is that anyone looking at this route is looking at around two weeks before they get their Wii back, as it takes 8-16 business days for Nintendo to return any broken Wiis.
If you have any technical problems regarding Wii, be sure to head on over to Nintendo’s customer service page.