GTA for Wii? LOL

Following the quarterly-earnings meeting where it was announced that GTAIV would have no new exclusive content, Take Two spoke to investors in a conference call wherein they declared their intentions to bring seven more new titles to the Wii, following the success of their Carnival Games title, which has shipped 500,000 units and will soon see a DS release.

The infamous Bully is slated to be one such title, while another, Prizefighter, is described as being “a pretty compelling game on the Wii.” The company also repeated their new mentality towards Nintendo, stating their change from a “non-Nintendo shop into one as focused on Nintendo as any other platform.”

Most interesting of all, however, was when the subject of Grand Theft Auto on the Wii was brought up. Given the release of the controversially mature Manhunt 2 on Nintendo’s popular console, GTA would seem like a natural move on which to capitalize in the eyes of investors.

However, Take Two laughed off the prospect of bringing the hit franchise to the Wii. According to chairman Strauss Zelnick, “there are other titles better suited to the Wii than Grand Theft Auto.”