Sure, Ensemble got knocked down, but they may yet get up again (and you’re never gonna keep them down):
Halo Wars Assistant Producer Bill Jackson told me that the key team members are all staying on board to finish up Halo Wars and get it out the door, but that all is not doom and gloom for the developers once the game wraps.
He said to expect news from the group, good news. Let’s hope they land on their feet in the near future as a new studio, perhaps one that can one day be bought up by Microsoft Game Studios. Oh, to dream. — Kotaku
Ever since the news broke, I kind of half-wondered in the back of my mind why the group couldn’t reassemble under another name or something, form a new company. I just figured there were probably contractual or economic factors I couldn’t even begin to comprehend at work, and left it at that. But I’m glad to see there’s still hope. No one needs to be out of a job with how things are right now.