Last week, MTV, EA, and Harmonix (collectively known hereafter as “MEH”) finally revealed that they were planning to ship the Wii and PlayStation 2 versions of Rock Band 2 before the holiday after all, on December 18th. The key word being “ship,” as in putting the product on trucks, to arrive in stores some 5-7 days after.
Let’s see, 18 + 7 = 25… oh, hey, how about that. So unless places are staying open on Christmas, there’s a good chance they won’t be getting the product until after. And actually, that’s a moot point, as even if the stores are open, that doesn’t mean the shipping companies will be.
In the initial report, I added a subtle, sarcastic tinge to the info, but Wired Game|Life’s Chris Kohler was a bit more blunt in what he thought of the situation.
…while I hedged my bets a few months back and said that the Wii version of Rock Band 2 was “arguably the most important,” that is simply no longer even up for discussion.
Look at the top games that sold last month in the U.S., and it’s clear that MTV and Harmonix dropped the ball, big time, by not having the Wii version on shelves until the very, very end of shopping season.
Let’s point out the obvious: The top-selling version of Guitar Hero World Tour, as with the last version of the game, is the Wii version, which I saw stacked up in giant piles in the Nintendo World Store when I was in New York City. There should have been a Rock Band 2 pile right next to it.
But much more telling: What’s the next music game down the list, and the only Rock Band product in the top 20 games of the month? Yes: the first edition of Rock Band for Wii. Wii owners want Rock Band. They want it so much they’ll buy last year’s model, which they want more than 360 and PlayStation 3 owners want the sequel.
Harmonix has made a series of fantastic moves in the past few years, and shipping this product so late is one of the only exceptions. Putting the first Rock Band together was a monumental task, and so Harmonix could be excused for not having a Wii version until this summer. But by the time it began work on the sequel, it was clear that the Wii version would potentially be the biggest seller. To not have it ready this year was a mistake. — Wired Game|Life
It would seem this managed to prompt a response of sorts from Harmonix, which also includes further details about the Wii version of the game:
As most of you know, we’re avid readers of our forums, and we place a lot of stock into what our fans think. We’ve seen that many users in the Wii community have been unhappy with the period of time between Rock Band’s release on other platforms and on Wii. We want to apologize for the delay in getting RB2 onto the Wii and to reaffirm that we believe that Wii is an amazing and unique fit for Rock Band 2, and one that we care deeply about getting right.
The extra time we’ve spent on RB2 Wii has resulted in the definitive full band experience on that platform. In addition to a fully functional online world tour, updatable battle of the bands, robust character creation, and a DLC catalog that will be growing exponentially after launch, we’ve maintained the highest standard in 4-player collaborative game play, allowing you to rock to over 100 amazing songs just by purchasing Rock Band 2. Also, we can confirm that this game is compatible with other existing instrument controllers available for Wii for both guitar and drums. Even if you’ve picked up another full band game, you can grab Rock Band 2 in its standalone software format, buying individual instruments and the disc itself to customize your band. We believe we’ve created an extraordinary game with the help of Nintendo, and we think that you’ll all be very pleased when you get your hands on it.
Going forward, it is our ambition to release future games on Wii simultaneously with releases on the other platforms.
We’re going to continue to watch these forums to see how you’re enjoying the game and how we can best support you moving forward. With the launch of our DLC catalog (which will work seamlessly with an SD card) and ongoing online support (with new battles posted consistently), Rock Band 2 brings the living breathing world of rock to Wii in full effect. We know you will enjoy it. — Harmonix, via Wired Game|Life
There’s a bit more through the link there, if you want to see it, but I think that’s all the key info.
Which leaves just one question: Has this spoiled the Christmas plans of you, or someone you know? Or are you planning a really long drive to find the game for that special someone on your list?
Or have you simply opted for Guitar Hero World Tour instead?