Nintendogs In America: New Details

Nintendo revealed new details reagarding their upcoming simulation game, Nintendogs release in America. Like Japan, American gamers will be given a wide variety of critters to pick from. As expected, Nintendo altered the content of the games to include popular American breeds. Check out what puppies you can expect to be playing with in August below.
* The package of Nintendogs featuring the Labrador retriever on the cover also will have breeds like miniature schnauzer, toy poodle, Pembroke Welsh corgi, miniature pinscher and shiba inu.

* The package with the Chihuahua on the cover also will have breeds like a German shepherd dog, boxer, cavalier King Charles spaniel, Yorkshire terrier and Shetland sheepdog.

* And the miniature dachshund edition also will have breeds like golden retriever, beagle, pug, Siberian husky and Shih Tzu.

Something of note is that the Golden Retriever, Boxer, and Siberian Husky are all exclusive to the American version of Nintendogs.

Be sure to check back with DS Advanced in the coming weeks for much more information regarding this title and all others for the Nintendo DS. fwefsgerahefrey